every dollar counts
online donations
mail-in donations
matching gifts
your contribution gives hope to all who enter here
All contributions to the Jersey Shore Animal Center are tax deductible as applicable by law. As a charitable organization we do not offer refunds on donations. Information regarding the Jersey Shore Animal Center concerning our organization can be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey. Our NJ Charitable ID #CH0338200-074. The Jersey Shore Animal Center is a tax exempt 501-C-3 as designated by the Internal Revenue Service in 1981. Federal ID # 22-2399677
Our adoption fees do not cover nearly what we spend on food, medical, shelter and other care of our animals. Each year we help hundreds of pets, some that require substantial medical care. We would not be able to do what we do without your financial support. We appreciate your generosity and know that you have choices in your charitable endeavors.
Donate today and Save the Life of a Homeless Pet
In order for the Jersey Shore Animal Center to confirm, and or acknowledge, your donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of a friend, loved one or family member, we request that certain information be provided on the donation form. We will acknowledge all donations within five business days with the information provided.
We do not sell, rent or give away any information to any other parties. The confidential information you submit is for the sole use of the Jersey Shore Animal Center when notifying someone of a donation.
make a donation by mail
We will send a card to the family acknowledging the generous donation you have made. You, as the donor, will receive a thank you card from the Jersey Shore Animal Center confirming that your donation has been received. If you wish a card be sent to the In Honor of/In Memory Of donor, please note that in your communication.

Continue your passion and your legacy can make a direct impact. Please remember our animal friends in your Last Will & Testament. A bequest can be made by using the simple clause: “I bequeath to the Jersey Shore Animal Center, 185 Brick Boulevard, Brick, New Jersey 08723, the sum of $____________ to be applied to the general care and protection of the animals.” Jersey Shore Animal Center Tax ID #22-2399677. We recommend that you speak to your attorney in order to make the appropriate provisions in your will.
matching gifts
Employee matching gifts or giving in the workplace has become a quick and easy way to support the mission of the Jersey Shore Animal Center. Please contact your company’s Human Resources department to find out how you can become an important part of the JSAC team. You can mail your Employee Matching Gifts form directly to the JSAC and we will do the rest.
Jersey Shore Animal Center
185 Brick Boulevard
Brick, New Jersey 08723
For further information please call
732-920-1600 x 207

We are excited to participate in a wonderful program that is quick, easy and another way to help our animals. If you have an old car, boat or motorcycle, please consider using this program. Once you complete your donation, all proceeds that we receive from the sale of your vehicle will go toward our Mission to help as many animals as we can. From daily care, medical needs and lifesaving work, these donations will directly impact the lives of so many homeless and deserving animals. The process of donating is quick, easy- and free!